Nostradamus Mabus Project

Matt Drudge

Matt Drudge

Why could Matt Drudge be Mabus?

Matt Drudge is an intresting person. He created a website called the Drudge Report, it's a right wing leaning site that exposes some shocking news.

Matt Drudge is known not to really verify what is posted, rather Matt Drudge just posts whatever rumor is floating on the net. The problem is that many times it's not true. In the past Matt Drudge was known to post lies.

Sometimes Matt Drudge is known to post a rumor that is the truth, such as the shocking sex scandal with Bill Clinton and the blue dress story.

In early 2004 he posted an article about John Kerry and a supposed intern that he had an affair with, however it appeared later that the story was fabricated.

Why could Matt Drudge be Mabus the Antichrist? Sometimes Matt Drudge posts such stories that people believe and his political agenda cloud his honest reporting, Drudge could report on presidental hopefuls in a fashion as to encourage the voters to go in one direction or another, such as in the John Kerry scandal.


"Someone from the White House communications shop tipped me to it" -- Matt Drudge - 2003 "

Sql Space Generally has more intellgence files on him.

* Denotes Deceased
Dr. Mahmoud Zahar , Mahmoud Abbas , Moqtada al-Sadr , The Great Imam Mahdi , Muammar al-Qaddafi ,* Saddam Hussein , * Ahmed Shah Massoud , Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah , Osama Bin Laden , * Yehiya Ayyash ,* Abu Musab al Zarqawi , Ayman Al-Zawahiri , * Abu Abbas , Hassan Nasrallah , Abdul Qadeer Khan , Muhammad Atef , Ariel Sharon , Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani , Imad Fayez Mugniyah , *Yasser Arafat , Mohammad Khatami , Bashir Assad , Azzam the American , *Sheikh Ahmed Yassin , * Abdel Aziz Rantisi , George W. Bush , Bill Clinton , Michael Chertoff , Hillary Rodham Clinton , John D. Negroponte , Howard Dean , Dick Cheney , Bill Gates , John Kerry , Bill Frist , Donald Rumsfeld , John Edwards , Louis Farrakhan , Matt Drudge , Ralph Nader , Alan Greenspan , Condoleezza Rice , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Gijs de Vries , Jacques Chirac , Vladimir Putin , Rosalinda Celentano , Gerhard Schroder , Prince Charles , Prince William , * Pope John Paul II , Tony Blair , Maitreya , Kim Jong Il , Paul Wolfowitz , Hu Jintao , George H.W. Bush , Michael Schiavo , George J. Felos , Pope Benedict XVI , Viktor Yushchenko , Sheikh Abu Hafs al-Qarni , Karl Rove , David Gergen , Abu Hamza al-Masri , Alex Jones , Cindy Sheehan , Michael Moore , John Roberts , Michael Brown , Harriet Miers , Scott McClellan , Ben Bernanke , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Samuel Alito , Lewis Libby , Stephen Harper , Michael Hayden , Ehud Olmert , Robert Gates , John McCain , Barack Obama

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